Thursday, October 18, 2007

More on the cat.... :)

It turned out a little better than we thought at the time I last posted (last evening). This morning we all went out and looked at the site and found drops of blood and a bloody paw print or two so we know that the cat WAS clipped by the bullet. The reason I say this is "better" is that now the cat will associate man with fear and pain again which just might recondition him to be stay away and therefore it won't be necessary for the Fish and Game to track him and kill him. It doesn't appear from the amount of blood that it was a serious wound and he ran away without any difficulty after the shot was fired. Then when the dogs came to track him he was able to evade them. So...the hope is that he was just wounded enough to know to stay away from man and buildings in the future.

Just wanted to post that update--though you may have absolutely no interest. Hope your week is going well.


aleprechaun said...

This is so much fun. I'm in Costa Rica, conv. on Sun. and then I make the long trek back to my new field in Guatemala ...along the Mex. border. A BIG field with a lot of friends and a lot of area to cover. More later in a longer letter. Good to C your pic. Many memories and I miss U. Be good!
The other "D"

Leilani said...

Well, I have to say, I am personally glad the cat didn't get killed. :D Even if they're really big, they're still cats, and I LIKE cats. But it is very good that it got shot - hope it does make it stay farther away from people!

Rich and Deb said...

Wow, You be careful! Big Cats scare me. I'll take brown bear anytime, at least they don't slink around in trees!
Our special mtg. is soon! Did you know that Lori and Joe had a baby girl, Leilynn? She had to come early so is a little peanut at 4 lbs. All developed however so didn't need an incubator. She did end up in ICU however as she got staph from the hospital. They are still all in Anchorage but hope to see them back here this week.
Much love, we miss you. Deb

Dorlene said...

Hola Doris!
Como esta? Everything is good here and it's great to think of you there in Guatamala again. I tried to read your comment with an Irish accent -- it was great to hear your voice again. :)

Take care and good, good days.

Dorlene said...

Hi Rich and Deb!

Great to hear from you and to think of everyone there in Sitka. How exciting to think of Lori and Joe with little Leilynn. I'm sure she is very precious to them--all babies are so but they've had to wait quite some time for her arrival so she will be doubly so. Please give them a BIG congratulations for me.
Take care and thanks for reading!