Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thought I would touch base again. We had a lot of fun last night. We all got together at the Stevensville Senior Center at about 6PM or so. One of the ladies in the field had baked 50 HUGE potatoes in her convection oven and everyone else brought every kind of topping they could think of. Of course they made sure there were a few desserts too. :) Like caramel apples and brownies and a couple of particularly gooey desserts. YUM! Then, after we ate, the kids all carved pumpkins--some of us were kind of BIG kids but we carved pumpkins anyway. (You know, just had to encourage the kids and keep them company, right?) Following the pumpkin-carving we sang a few hymns too. It was just a lovely evening all the way around. Wish you could have been there!

Tomorrow we're not able to have a gospel meeting as the room at the library here in Missoula isn't available. It feels very strange but sometimes it can't be helped. We're glad that we've had interest in every meeting so far so we hope they'll come again next week when we will be able to resume our meetings there once more.

Today my sister Dorothy came over for the afternoon. You see, she had been given two tickets to a Grizzly game in her company's corporate box. She was even kind enough to ask me to go with her!!! Wow. How could I refuse? :) It was such a nice afternoon with her, and the Griz won too. Even better. For those who aren't sports fans: the Grizzlies are the University of Montana football team and they are undefeated this year. They seem to be quite a hot item and all the games for the entire season are sold out so I had quite a privilege today. Believe me I fully understood and appreciated it. Most of all I appreciated being in a box seat as it sleeted most of the game and there was a brisk wind. I felt quite badly for the rest of the spectators while we were all cozy and dry. Well....I guess I shouldn't say that because I didn't feel badly enough to leave the box and endure their hardship! :)

So that brings you up to date with my little world. Thanks so much for the comments some have left at various times. It's great to hear! Take care and hope you're happy and healthy.


Leilani said...

We thought of you and your pumpkins and potatoes! Enviously even!

Dorlene said...

Great to see you today Leilani! Huhot was just as delicious as ever, eh? I'm glad you thought of us while you were in town. Hope your trip home went well.

Nichole said...

hey! nice to see your blog! sounds like you've enjoyed your time there :) if you want to see mine blog...just email me and i'll "invite" ya ;)