Thursday, February 26, 2009

WaterPolo Anyone?!

The past couple of nights here in Laramie we've been enjoying a new treat!  The college students have gotten involved with waterpolo.  Since we've been staying with some of the girls, we were invited to attend a couple of games.  The girls pictured here played the first night and only lost by 1 point.  The following night the co-ed team played and were triumphant.  I love this photo showing their good hearts.  They are such GREAT girls!

Bathing, no.  More like fiercely competitive, innertube overturning whirling dervishes!  Waterpolo is a high-paced, high-energy sport and our girls went all out.  The good "guys" are in the blue hats and the bad "guys" are in the white hats.

Merra resting by the wall during a quieter moment.

Janae -- our awesome goalie.  She could smack 'em down, or catch 'em most times.

Roxie battling for a goal.  She usually made the goal every time too.

Whitney---sometimes one expression is worth a thousand words!

I'm not a very good photographer--Lindsay had just made a great pass down court when I took this.

Jessie seems to be clarifying the game plan here....her legs are shorter so she had quite a job moving around.

Janae has command of the ball here and is on her way....sorry, I thought I had her face!

Heidi's working hard pumping both hands and legs to make time getting after the ball.

Ali's cruising with the ball down "court".  It is a very challenging game!

My favorite photo--at the end of the girls' game they all looked so happy in spite of losing by one point.  They had a great time and their sportsmanship was outstanding.


Mo said...

Such fun pictures of such a fun time!! You did well at capturing it well! *smile*

Jen said...

Oh my...some of those pictures are quite hilarious!! Thanks for sharing!! I completely FORGOT about Tuesday night's game and then I didn't even know there was a game last night. Hopefully I'll catch NEXT week's game!!! :o) Thanks for sharing the fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorlene. I don't know you, but I promised to leave a comment at those blogs I stop by, and I'm looking at various worker blogs now. We get a couple of sisters from your way at our rounds in MN! Looking forward to meeting them. Keep on.

djyuds said...

How absolutely fun! I thoroughly enjoyed all the pictures of the waterpolo games, Dorlene! It's not whether you win or's how much fun you have! (Debbie Yuds)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dorlene,
I have no idea how I ended up on your blog! and you will have no idea who is writing...but you said to leave a comment :)
hint...I know someone realllllly well in the water polo pics!-- and getting excitedly anxious to know another special someone soon in your field!