Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tea Party Installment One

The back of Dorlene's "hat that never should have been."  We had a ladies' tea party here in Laramie and I couldn't find a hat so made one out of cardboard and tissue paper.  Yikes!  There will be more photos coming of everyone there but the connection today is very minimal so photos won't load.
Crystal Cronk said she HAD to get a photo of my whole outfit, including the shoes, so here it is!  I promptly gave all my finery away to a little girl at the party.  She loved it!


L'anglaise. said...

GREAT!!! :-) Wow, are you ever artistic! ;-) Looking forward to the next installment....I need to update my blog and add yesterday's doughnut party here in Sioux City, courtesy of one Celia H.!

cheyest said...

Guess I missed a fun time. We returned from MT Friday night and when I went to bed Friday I planned to be there but Saturday morning brought a change of mind. Just seemed like a long trip over a snowy mtn. when I was tired.

Waiting for name and numbers when you get a chance.

Auntie M said...

I love your finery - expecially the unique had!! It is cute and sure one of a kind!!

Twila said...

Wow Dorlene! Words have left me... I'm not sure why you gave the outfit away, you could have used it at preps!! ;-)

Looks like you had fun. (been lurking for a while...)