Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekly Trips to Whidbey Island

The grand and glorious Northwest!!!! Blue, blue skies, bluer waters and the nicest people.

A vista on Whidbey Island from the home of some of our friends. We will make this trip to Whidbey Island every week this fall as we have gospel meetings there on Thursday evenings. This week we were a threesome as Suzie hasn't left for California Special meetings yet. Next week and for about the following 6 weeks Carolyn and I will have to go it "alone." :) Pretty tough to take!
The view from the ferry shortly after driving aboard and coming up from the car deck. A delightful day on Puget Sound! Who would want to be anywhere else?!

My two companions on the ferry (The Kittitas) just as we were arriving at Whidbey Island. As much as I'd like to say that all our weekly trips will be in such glorious weather....well, I must be honest and say we will, most likely, see our share of gray, rain and drizzle on these crossings.

As those of you who really know me are aware--I love traveling by ferry and don't mind whatever the weather might be! :) However, this crossing is so short that you barely get up from the car deck, grab a drink of something (usually hot) and it's time to return to the car deck for off-loading. Ah well---it's a trip on the water!


Kari said...

Miss Dorlene...
Looks like you are hard at work! :) I can only imagine how much fun you're having with Carolyn & Suzie. We have a field potluck tonight & our first gospel meeting on Sunday. Miss ya! :)

Linda said...

Fun to check in on you this eve. I don't know much about the island other than Bette Lu has a sis there. We are enjoying Heidi and Karen. Good days to you.

frannie said...

Love looking at your blog...met you at our potluck in P/wood last year at "Specials" drove auntie's car back to town at the beginning of our wonderful snow storm...a special hello to Suzie please...we go way way back...enjoyed meeting Carolyn at Dagmar. Thanks for sharing.

Shirley said...

Thanks for the beautiful photos! Love Whidbey Island!

Will miss Suzie, too, so your photos will help with that! So glad to have her for the first gospel meetings and to see her and her dad at conv. I first met Suzie while growing up in Phoenix when she was down for a visit sometime in the 1970's. Then when I moved to WA in 1985, I lived with her Aunt Dorothy and went to meeting with her parents for a time. Special memories!

NadineB said...

Welcome to Everett!